Postpartum hair loss treatment 

postpartum hair loss treatment

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The arrival of a newborn brings unimaginable joy and promises to new mothers. As much joy as the phase of motherhood brings to a woman, she experiences the postpartum phase as it has lots more in store, among the many aspects like sleepless nights, breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, frequent diaper changes, changes in the physical and mental health of new mothers like hair fall, weight gain, stretch marks and more, which are completely normal to go through. In this blog, we will be discussing hair fall mainly and the importance of postpartum hair loss treatment, to retain those beautiful tresses through your stressful, yet happy new phase of motherhood!

List of 5 Postpartum Hair Loss Treatment 

Enough of your worries about the hair fall post-delivery, as there is help all throughout this phase of life. Here is a list of postpartum hair loss remedies that will help ease your worries:  

Nutritious food intake  

A new mother must eat nutrient-rich food, especially during the first 40 days post-delivery, as you not only have to provide for your newborn, but also care for your health, including keeping excessive hair fall in check.    

Hair care routine  

It is important to follow a hair care routine diligently and opt for the right postpartum hair loss remedies, however, tied up you may be during this challenging phase of motherhood. Ensure to use chemical-free hair oil, shampoo, scrub and conditioner as you may be breastfeeding or coming to close quarters with your infant, and using harmful products may only make it worse for your hair fall issues.   

Use a volumizing shampoo  

Some shampoos contain vital proteins and nutrients that give natural binding and coat the hair follicles, adding a protective barrier as well as making it look fuller.    

Use a conditioner formulated with scrub  

Washing your hair with shampoo is not enough, ensure to use a scrub as a pack for removing the debris covering the hair follicles, which also is a major reason for hair fall. Post scrubbing and shampooing, using a conditioner also is important as it contains a lighter formula that does not affect the hair, and protects your hair. Also ensure to avoid conditioners labelled ‘Intensive conditioning’, as they have heavy chemicals.  

Massaging with hair oil  

Use a hair oil regularly, around 2 to 3 times a week for gentle massages, giving strength and nutrition to your hair, as your body is already undergoing several hormonal changes during your postpartum phase. This ensures the strengthening of your hair from root to tip. Ensure to use hair oil like Samasti hair oil as it is highly recommended for new mothers, for their benefits from the natural ingredients.    
postpartum hair loss treatment

Clinical Treatment Options for Post Pregnancy Hair Fall Remedy   

Apart from the above treatment that can be followed at home, you can look for clinical options that will help you overcome post-partum hair fall.  

 As mentioned earlier, postpartum hair fall is temporary and following the natural way is not only safe but effective. Ensure to follow these measures after careful consideration and at the advice of your doctors, as a last resort.   

Knowing the reasons for postpartum hair loss treatment can provide you with a clear picture of what kind of treatment is best fit for you. Let us look at some common reasons for this condition. 

post pregnancy hair fall remedy

7 Reasons for Loss of Hair After Delivery 

There are many reasons for post pregnancy hair thinning and hair fall, like hormonal changes usually after 5 to 6 months or earlier in some mothers, such as irregular sleep patterns, stressed lifestyle and more. According to recent reports by the American Pregnancy Association, around 60 % face post pregnancy hair thinning and hair loss, usually 5 months in. The condition of normal hair growth resumes after a year or so into the motherhood phase. Let us look at some of the major reasons to go for postpartum hair loss treatment:

Hormonal imbalance  

Scientifically, a woman’s body undergoes immense changes after the process of childbirth, and while stepping into the phase of motherhood. Here there is a sudden dip in the estrogen and progesterone levels that may be a major reason for loss of hair after delivery.   

Stressed lifestyle changes  

The transition from the pregnancy to the motherhood phase may not always be a smooth sailing one. With loss of sleep, and hampered timetable, emotional and physical strain exerted on your body at its recovery stage, may be too much to handle for some. This is when your body as a new mother undergoes major changes and leads to stress. This stressful condition can trigger hair follicles to fall off in larger quantities than usual.   

Thyroid imbalance  

Similarly, thyroid disorders, like hypo or hyperthyroidism, can sometimes cause hair fall problems. There is a disturbance in the hormone balance, in turn affecting the hair causing post-pregnancy hair thinning conditions. Undergoing postpartum hair treatment for thyroid problems can help revive the hair. 

Nutrition deficiency  

Nurturing an infant is no joke as the nutrients for the child being breastfed extract all the essential nutrients from the mother to provide the complete package of nutrition for the baby’s growth. Especially deficiencies are caused due to the lack of nutrients like Zinc, Biotin, Iron, Magnesium and Vitamin D, all cause loss of hair after delivery.  

Telogen effluvium  

This is a regular condition that occurs in new mothers where a large number hair follicles prematurely are at the resting stage, causing excess hair fall or excessive shedding. Some external factors like stress, irregular sleeping and eating patterns, some medicines and hormonal changes affect hair growth after pregnancy.  


Some cases are genetics-related, where your hair fall may sometimes result from your genes acquired from previous generations with the same conditions. While the genetic make-up cannot be reversed, with proper postpartum hair loss treatment, your hair fall problems can be reduced and maintained.   

Not prioritizing self-health  

Motherhood is rather a demanding job, as you have to provide constant attention to the young one. However, if you plan your self-care with adequate rest, managing your stress and eating healthy foods can boost your metabolism and provide you nourishment to fight against hair fall and other problems. 
postpartum hair loss remedies


Although postpartum hair fall treatment is more in number, it is best to follow the natural way of curing your hair fall using natural hair care products by Abhyanjana like Samasti hair oil and Ukti hair scrub, as they are filled with the goodness of nature’s best remedies like coconut oil, Bhringaraj, Amla, Guava leaves, Hibiscus leaves, Aloe Vera and many more. These ingredients are known to revive lost hair and as age old practices, which have not only proven effective, but highly recommended for new mothers.

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